Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mate Patience

Mate Patience

I often speak from a Christian centrist perspective. However, I am just communicating with you this time. Wait, who am I kidding? A person's centrism is a person's centrism. If you talk to a person who has been schooled in social work, they will ultimately give you a perspective that comes from within their frame of reference. Thus, it would be futile for me to apologize about my Christian centrism. Having said that though, I always try to speak as fairly and broadly as possible in order to address a wider range of issues for a wider community. Perhaps we can think of this first paragraph as my opening disclaimer.This document has its limitations due to size constraints. Specific questions can be directed to my twitter handle(@phonsoivy), blog spot reply, or general inbox on Facebook.

It has been brought to my attention that there are many hurting women out there who have patiently waited for a mate to no avail. Some have told me that they are ready to throw in the towel because they believe that there are no Godly men out there. They tell me there are no good men out there. Some even say there are no men with jobs out there. I will attempt to address what it means to wait, what should be done while waiting on a good man, and how to actively wait on a good man. I will attempt to answer this in a general way so that even a non-christian can receive something here.

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word wait is often a picture of yourself being still. That would be a misguided thought. In fact, such a mental picture would be better described as being still, standing still, or sitting still. Wait does not necessarily mean that one should be still. If you go into an eatery and get a waiter, what is her or she doing? They are moving! Moreover, you manage to tip the waiter that moves the most and the fastest. They are considered great if they are actually efficient during those fast movements. A good waiter is always busy doing something. If we are waiting on a mate, it should be no different than a waiter waiting on a table. We should be doing whatever we can do to get a tip. We should be doing whatever we can do to be to give the best service and be the one that all the big tippers are beating down the door to get. Lets use the action verb for wait rather than the being verb. Now, it is time for action.

Ladies and gentlemen, you are going to have to use your mouths more often. Oh no, nasty, I don't mean it how you are thinking it. I mean you are going to have to make a positive confession. Christians call it confessing or calling things into existence. It is found in Proverbs 18:21. Some Atheist have called it "The Secret". School teachers call it an affirmation. Whatever you want to call it does not matter as long as you call it. An example of a general affirmation is, I have no more debt in my life. It is positive and present tense. A Christian would ask for it while applying an applicable scripture. They would thank God for the thing while believing that they already have received it in the spirit realm. It just has not manifested into the natural realm. They thank him until it appears. The Secret is about thinking it, calling it, and willing it into the universe. Three different sources have similar methods. Maybe you better choose one! If you want a spouse, confess one.

A person has to actively wait instead of murmuring, complaining, or even worrying. Wait is an action verb in this document. Part of patience is attitude. Everyone seems to forget that part. Change your thoughts so that you can patiently wait. Change thoughts by changing what you are hearing. That means you may have to throw away some programs, books, processes, or friends. Make your confession and make a point to hear things that are centered around your confession. A Christian might say faith comes by hearing. A great professor or coach may say repetition or practice makes perfect. During this time of waiting, you should be developing yourself with all of the positive hearing. You should develop yourself further with purposeful additions to your life that will benefit your future spouse, your family, and yourself.

Lets Summarize:
  1. Waiting means being active.
  2. Use your mouth to confess
  3. Create a good attitude by surrounding yourself with positive things centered around your goal.
  4. Develop yourself by adding things that are apart of the future you.